The Advisory Group on Contraception (AGC) is an expert advisory group of leading clinicians, commissioners, professional organisations, and advocacy groups working to ensure that women* across England have comprehensive and open access to reproductive healthcare at all stages of the life course, no matter their background, postcode, or personal circumstances.

Our Mission
Formed in 2010, the AGC believes that all women should have ready access to high quality provision of the full range of contraceptive options, in their preferred setting – whether that is primary or specialist care – and underpinned by clear and evidence-based information and thorough counselling. The AGC recognises that contraceptive provision is just one aspect of a wide range of services critical to women’s reproductive and gynaecological health outcomes. It should therefore form part of a holistic, collaborative approach to reproductive healthcare, including easy access to abortion, with pathways in place to help women reach the care they need. Contraception has, however, been particularly adversely impacted by previous public health budget cuts and fragmented commissioning arrangements. This is damaging for all women, with even more acute consequences for vulnerable groups.
Empowering all women to fulfil their reproductive rights plays an important part in delivering improved public health outcomes by preventing ill health, improving wellbeing, and addressing inequalities. The AGC is eager to see all parts of the system work in partnership to deliver equitable and holistic reproductive healthcare across the life course – with sustainable contraceptive provision sitting at the heart – recognising the return on investment for women themselves, the wider health and care system, and society more broadly. The AGC is committed to sharing its expertise and collaborating with individuals and organisations interested in sexual and reproductive health and women’s health to translate this vision into reality.
The AGC’s secretariat is delivered by Incisive Health, a specialist health policy and communications agency. To find out more about the AGC and our work, please contact agc@incisivehealth.com.
* The AGC recognises that access to contraception is essential for everyone who can become pregnant, no matter how they identify, and therefore supports and advocates for the right to access contraception for trans, non-binary and intersex people that need it. It is essential that there is an understanding of intersectionality to help minimise inequalities in care and the provision of essential service. We use the word women for simplicity but also in recognition that the majority of those requiring access to contraception identify as women.
Our Sponsors
Support for the AGC is provided by Bayer plc and Organon who fund AGC meetings, activities and the AGC secretariat, delivered by Incisive Health. Sponsor organisations have no influence or input in the selection or content of AGC projects or communications. Members of the AGC receive no payment from Bayer plc and Organon for their involvement in the group, except to cover appropriate travel costs for attending meetings.